Friday, 31 July 2015

Witako Scenic Reserve Smoky Bacon Sandwhich

So lately I have been just a little obsessed with youtube survivalists and decided I needed to take action. The other week I had discovered this nifty little reserve called Ecclesfield Reserve. It just so happens to butt up  against Witako Scenic reserve. While does not have any official tracks it does have a department of conservation, very well walked, trap line along the ridge. It's a beautiful spot filled with mucky regenerating bush, mud, traps, poison bait stations, and the sweet sounds of cars from the hutt valley. And if you walk too far you just might come across Rimutaka Prison. It was within these choice surroundings I came up with this delight:

Smoky Bacon


  • 250g Streaky Bacon
  • Pre-buttered white bread
  • 1 Smoky Fire
  • 1 stick
  • Phoenix Cola
Take one smoky fire. Lay the bacon over the stick and then hold in the smoky fire until cooked and smoky. Apply bacon liberally to bread. Wash it down with a cold phoenix cola, Enjoy!  (in practice I found I was too impatient to get some good cooking coals going because I was too ravenous. I'm not sure the bacon was entirely cooked either, but then my Grandmother would feed me on raw bacon and garlic sandwiches as a kid. But hey, I turned out ok right? Either way it was good and smoky!).

Tips and tricks: Buy the cheapest streaky bacon you can find. It will all turn out tasting the same, (though if you're all ethical and stuff freedom farmed is always the best)